Carbohydrates and Fibre: Their True Role And Value

Carbohydrates are not considered essential nutrients in the same way that proteins and fats are. Essential nutrients are those that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through diet. In current practices, there is often too much reliance on carbohydrates for energy in dog foods, even though dogs can obtain energy from proteins and fats. Carbohydrates should act as a backup energy source rather than the primary one. Fibre, which is derived from carbohydrates, aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and promotes overall gut health. Let’s delve into why these nutrients are important and how Planet Dog Food leverages their benefits to keep your dog healthy and energetic.
A table filled with a bowl of carbs like brown rice, red lentils, and Sweet potatoes

The Evolution of Dogs and Reality of Carbs in Meat-Based Dog Food

Traditional canine nutrition emphasises a meat-centric diet, based on the belief that dogs thrive primarily on meat. However, a study by Axelsson et al. (2013) reveals that dogs are genetically equipped to digest carbohydrates, having evolved over thousands of years to adapt to diets including both meat and plants. Despite this, many meat-based dog food brands misuse carbohydrates by relying on them too heavily as primary energy sources instead of using them as a supportive element. Carbohydrates should act as a backup energy source, providing benefits like fibre for digestion and supporting overall health, rather than being the primary focus of a dog's diet.

The Superpowers of Fibre in Your Dog's Diet

Fibre is the unsung hero in our recipes, like a vigilante sidekick ensuring everything runs smoothly. It aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and provides sustained energy throughout the day. According to research published in the Journal of Animal Science, dietary fibre has numerous benefits for dogs, including aiding in digestion, preventing obesity, and promoting a healthy gut microbiome​​.

Digestive Health

Fibre aids in regular bowel movements and maintains a healthy gut microbiome. It helps prevent constipation and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which are essential for overall digestive health​​.

Blood Sugar Regulation

By slowing down the absorption of sugar, fibre helps in preventing sudden spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This is particularly important for maintaining steady energy levels and preventing conditions like diabetes​​.

Weight Management

High-fibre foods can help dogs feel fuller for longer, aiding in weight control. Fibre-rich diets can prevent overeating and help maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity-related health issues​​.

To understand the importance of fibre further, refer to the study:

Weight loss and high-protein, high-fiber diet consumption impact blood metabolite profiles, body composition, voluntary physical activity, fecal microbiota, and fecal metabolites of adult dogs

Superior Carbohydrate and Fiber Sources in Planet Dog Food

Our ingredients are carefully selected to provide the best nutritional benefits without the drawbacks of common carbohydrate fillers found in many meat-based dog foods. Here's why our sources stand out:

Sweet Potatoes: The Visionary Guardian

Sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates and fibre, offering a slow release of energy and supporting stable blood sugar levels. Their high fibre content aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut. Sweet potatoes are also packed with vitamins and minerals, enhancing your dog’s overall health. They act as a steady energy beacon, ensuring your dog doesn’t experience the energy spikes and crashes associated with lower-quality carbs.

Amaranth Flour: The Ancient Power

Amaranth, also known as rajgira, is high in complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre, supporting digestive health and providing a steady source of energy. Its low glycemic index helps prevent blood sugar spikes, while its rich nutrient profile contributes to overall health and well-being. Rajgira stands as an ancient protector, offering sustained energy and robust health benefits.

Beet Root: The Natural Detoxifier

Beetroot offers complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre, supporting digestive health and providing steady energy. The fibre in beetroot aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Additionally, beetroot is rich in antioxidants, supporting overall health and vitality. It’s like a detoxifying agent, keeping your dog’s system clean and efficient.

Carrot: The Vision Enhancer

Carrots are high in fibre and complex carbohydrates, supporting steady energy levels and digestive health. The fibre content aids in digestion and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Carrots also provide essential vitamins and antioxidants, contributing to overall health. Think of carrots as the vision-enhancing heroes, ensuring your dog sees the world clearly while staying energetic.

Sunflower Seeds: The Energy Boosters

Sunflower seeds are a nutrient-dense addition to our recipes, providing a good mix of healthy fats, protein, and fibre. They help maintain steady energy levels and support digestive health. The fibre content aids in digestion and helps your dog feel full and satisfied. These seeds are like tiny energy boosters, powering your dog’s adventures.

Enhancing Our Heroes Through Baking

Our meticulously chosen carbohydrates undergo a significant transformation, much like superheroes donning their suits, through baking processes. This metamorphosis, highlighted in the study Kaur, Mohneet, et al. "Nutritional Assessment of Dal Churi in Dog Food." Haryana Vet, vol. 60, no. 1, 2021, optimises their texture and amplifies their nutritional benefits, significantly improving digestibility and bioavailability. It's as if these carbs gain super strength, making them even more powerful allies in your dog's diet.

The Transformative Impact of the “Right” Cooking

The benefits of these processing methods are not just theoretical; they're backed by hard data. Diets enhanced through baking boast impressive digestibility metrics, with a dry matter digestibility rate of 90.06% and an organic matter digestibility rate of 89.95% as observed in the study Kaur, Mohneet, et al. "Nutritional Assessment of Dal Churi in Dog Food." Haryana Vet, vol. 60, no. 1, 2021. These figures eclipse those of their raw or simply boiled counterparts, underscoring the superiority of baked carbs. Essentially, this culinary blend ensures that our chosen plant-based ingredients deliver energy and nutrients in the most efficient way possible, establishing a new gold standard in canine nutrition.

Downside of Conventional Carbs

Many commercial dog foods are like villains in disguise, presenting themselves as protein-rich while their energy primarily comes from cheap carbohydrates like wheat, soy, and corn. These low-quality carbs can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels and contribute to obesity. Furthermore, these products often practise ingredient splitting to push these fillers down the ingredient list, making their products appear healthier than they are.

Heroes vs. Villains: The Unsettling Truth Unveiled in Dog Food Analysis

In a groundbreaking analysis of 1,134 commercial dry dog foods in the USA, our investigation uncovers truths that are both revealing and shocking, painting a concerning picture for pet owners everywhere.

The Revealing Truth

Astonishingly, 95% of these products pivot towards plant-based ingredients for their carbohydrate sources, starkly contradicting the traditional meat-centric dietary narrative for canines. These ingredients aren't just fillers; they rank at the top and hold multiple positions in the top ten ingredients by weight of the total product.

The Shocking Reality

Our findings expose a distressing reliance on corn, wheat, and soy—ingredients infamous for inciting food sensitivities in dogs. This reliance is more than a nutritional oversight; it's a health hazard. The manifestation of digestive upsets and skin issues is just the tip of the iceberg. The processing of these grains not only strips them of essential nutrients and fibre but also compromise’s the overall nutritional integrity of the food.

The Notorious Villains

Our study goes further, pinpointing specific ingredients that should raise red flags for any pet parent. From alfalfa meal, a needless fibre source when nutrient-rich lentils are available, to brewers rice, a by-product with minimal nutritional value—these ingredients underscore a worrying trend towards cost-saving shortcuts at the expense of our dogs' health. Other offenders like corn syrup and unspecified rice lack the balanced nutritional profiles of our chosen ingredients, posing unnecessary risks to canine well-being.

This analysis is not just a wake-up call; it's a call to action for pet owners to scrutinise the contents of their dog's food bowl with newfound vigilance. The distinction between beneficial and detrimental carbohydrate sources has never been more critical, as the health and happiness of our four-legged companions hang in the balance.

High Protein and Fat Content: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Our recipes provide more than 70% of calories from protein and fat, which is significantly higher than many conventional dog foods that rely heavily on carbohydrates. This focus on high-quality protein and fat ensures your dog gets the energy and nutrients they need for optimal health.

To illustrate the superiority of our recipes, let's compare the sources of calories in different products and also see how ingredient splitting is carried out by the manufacturers.

Planet Dog’s recipes harness the power of high-quality carbohydrates and fibre, ensuring balanced, nutrient-dense meals that support your dog's health. With superior ingredients like sweet potatoes, amaranth flour, and carrots, our food provides sustained energy and improved digestion without the drawbacks of cheap fillers. Enhanced through baking, our recipes achieve optimal digestibility and bioavailability. This careful selection and processing of ingredients ensure your dog enjoys sustained energy, better digestion, and overall well-being, making Planet Dog Food a superior choice for your canine companion.
Plant-Based Dog Diet
dog nutrition
Fiber benefits
Carbohydrates in dog food
digestive health
Blood sugar regulation
Dog weight management
Natural fiber sources
Fiber-rich diet
Carbs in dog diet

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